Anywho, great entertainment and junk food aside, something else equally awesome also happened this weekend...

I learned to hula hoop again!
This is something I haven't attempted since I was a kid. I bought a hula hoop about a month or so ago and had many sporadic failed attempts until yesterday, when something clicked and I was actually able to keep the damn thing going for more than 2 seconds!
I still can't keep it going for a full minute, but I'm getting closer. In fact, I made it part of my [much-needed] workout routine this morning. I ran a sloooow 2 miles and followed up with hula-hooping for about 40 minutes, whilst listening to The Rapture. Such a great band to shake your hips to:
And it's hard to beat something that's addictive, fun AND makes you sweat. Either throw on some good tunes or just find something good to watch on TV and you're good to go. Feel free to read more about hula-hooping for exercise. Once my form and endurance gets better, I'll start experimenting with some custom hula-hooping routines (i.e., hula-hooping while walking, incorporating squats, possibly adding weights, etc.). I know, I'm a dork, but this is one of the most fun things I've done in a long time.
That's all for now. Time to find some breakfast that doesn't involve cupcakes or ice cream, haha. Hope you all have enjoyed the weekend so far!
OMG we would be fabulous friends! I am considering buying all the season of Daria! where do you watch them?
And I have been on lazy mode ever since my race last week...I am trying to take some time off so my leg can heal but I am going cookoo ha
My bf downloaded some copies of all the episodes (shhh!), so we've just been watching them at home. I missed that show so much! When I have money again, I might just go ahead and still buy the actual set though. I think it would be nice to have.
And yeah, my lazy break was nice, but I was itchin' to move this morning!
bahahah all your tweets about the hula hoop made my day!
I have tried valiantly for years to master hula hooping but it just doesn't seem to work for me...maybe in part because I don't really have hips.
I LOVE that song by the Rapture though!
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