We browsed around and some things I was excited to see (but didn't necessarily buy):
- Larabars! Much cheaper than buying them individually, of course.
- Butternut Squash pasta sauce (definitely going back after pay day to snag this!)
- Santa Fe Tortilla Wraps! Thought only Sam's Club had these, but now Costco is carrying them too!
- Organic Oat-bran/Flax bread; I can get two loaves of this for the price of what I pay for one at Great Harvest. Costco's version is a little less in calories too. Going back for that as well!

Panda Express Orange Sauce. I've seen it the last few times I've been to Costco and kept resisting. Well today, I finally gave in. I'm a sucker for pre-made Asian sauces, what can I say?
I added it to some shrimp and mushrooms:

At first I was disappointed that the sauce was 35 calories for only 1 tablespoon, but once I poured it, I saw that it was really thick and ended up spreading well over the shrimp and mushrooms. One serving was plenty! Also in the mix was some minced garlic, a bit of sesame oil and some onion flakes.
My plan was to serve this concoction over my new favorite thing ever, roasted broccoli:

Tossed in olive oil, ground ginger, salt, pepper & red pepper flakes.
All together now:

Mmm. This was a quick, light, filling meal. Doug had a Chipotle burrito earlier and didn't want a regular dinner, so I was on my own tonight. I was quite pleased with the results! My original plan was to serve everything with brown rice, but since I had Costco samples and some of the new soy nut mix, I left the rice out to keep things light. Glad I did because it was plenty of food on its own!
Debating on what to do for fitness tomorrow. I ditched 24 S.E.T. this morning and opted for JM's Yoga Meltdown instead. I'm embarrassed to say that I haven't touched this DVD since I first got it in early March, haha. But man, it seemed like I got such a better workout this time around; I was dripping after it was over! I guess since I knew what the pace was gonna be like this time around, I was able to put more effort into the moves. Love, love that workout (especially how fast that 30 minutes goes by).
So tomorrow, I dunno... Five mile run? Shorter run with sprints and add on the step mill and elliptical? We'll see what I'm in the mood for. I'd like to get some good cardio in tomorrow and then do some strength stuff on Monday. Anywho. Goodnight!
You are a girl after my own heart! I am such a huge Jil Jil fan!!!!!!
that din din looks delish, I wonder if Tarjay carries that sauce...hmmmmmm
Oh, I am ALL about Jillian! She became one of my health idols pretty early on in my weight-loss journey. Love, love, love her workouts!
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