I used:
- 1/4 cup old fashioned oats
- 1 tsp. all purpose flour
- 1 tbsp. granulated splenda
- 1/4 tsp. baking powder
- 1/4 cup egg substitute
- 2 tbsp. canned pumpkin
- 2 tbsp. no-sugar-added applesauce
- 4 pecan halves, chopped
- small splash of vanilla extract
- cinnamon to taste
- 1/2 small banana, cut into slices
- 1/2 tbsp. whipped peanut butter (by Peter Pan)
- 2 tbsp. sugar-free maple syrup (by Maple Grove Farms)
Directions: Combine all ingredients (except peanut butter, banana and syrup) in a bowl. Pour batter onto a hot skillet/griddle sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Flip as you would when preparing regular pancakes. When pancake is done, spread on the peanut butter, top with banana slices and drizzle with syrup.

And the nutritional stats (including toppings):

This was a great breakfast EXCEPT for the damn egg substitute I used (the Kirkland brand from Costco). I should've known better; every time I try to use this brand in a sweet recipe, it leaves a weird aftertaste. It tastes perfectly fine when I use it with savory ingredients, but that's about it. I should've used egg whites, but I only have a little bit left and am saving them for a different recipe later today. Oh well. Lesson learned!
Definitely filling, with a good mix of fiber, protein and fat. And hey, who doesn't like one giant pancake all to themselves?!
Well, that's all for now. I shall continue to wait for Doug to get his ass outta bed. My early bird self was awake at 6, so I am indeed getting impatient, seeing as it's going on 9... *Shakes fist in the air* Young, lazy whipper-snappers! After the coffee and that pancake, mama's ready to do some hikin'! Enjoy your Sunday, kids.
So pumpkin and pancake are two of my favorite things so a recipe that combines the two? JACKPOT!
I do have to say that every time I try to make homemade pancakes the batter never has the right consistency and they fall apart when I flip them.
I definitely want to try making them though...maybe the oats give the batter more "holding" power?
@Bess @ I Dream of Greenie
YES- adding oats is the trick. I too can't flip a regular pancake to save my life, but this particular batter is definitely thick and holds together really well. Hope you have a chance to try it!
Okay that was all I needed to hear. Just showed the recipe to my roommate and we are definitely going to put this into the weekend breakfast rotation!
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