Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hooray for new things.

Went over my points a bit with some ice cream last night. But y'know what? It was light, creamy and delicious and it made my soul feel better. So there, haha.


egg beaters- 1
salsa- 0
onion alternative bagel- 1
1 oz. avocado- 1

sandwich thin- 1
chicken slices- 1
r.f. pepperjack cheese- 1
1 oz. avocado- 1
cantaloupe cubes/grapes- 3

bell pepper strips- 0
popcorn- 1

wine- 8
coors light- 2
pizza- 33
pretzels- 1
corn chips- 3
potato chips- 4
hummus- 2
sour cream dip- 3
peach cobbler- 6
ice cream- 2
spinach artichoke dip- 2
crackers- 2
cheesecake bites- 21
brie w/ bread- 4

total points used: 104/23
activity points: 53 min. run- 7
net points: 97
WAPs: -42/35 remaining

So, in my quest to eat more healthy fats, I've discovered that spreading mashed avocado on top of a toasted onion bagel is the shiiiiit! It's so good. I just sprinkle a dash of salt and pepper on top and it's good to go. Great alternative to cream cheese, I think (well, while avocados are on sale 3 for $1, anyway). Though, I've been known to mix weird random things and think it tastes awesome, so proceed with caution if you decide to try it, heh.


Morning run. And OMG, it was a great one! It was hard to get going because it was cloudy and kinda foggy, but I forced myself out of the house around 8 am. It dawned on me last night that I should try running around the college campus where I work. I see people running/biking around there all the time, but it never occurred to me to try it, despite the fact that our neighborhood is right across the street.

Anywho, it was fun! I did about 1.5 laps, going from one end of campus to the other. Even went on one of the trail paths in the hills behind the rec center. It was just a much-needed change of pace because there were various hills to push me out of my comfort zone and all sorts of turns that forced me to use my back and ab muscles more.

That said, there were a lot of parts that went downhill, but I seemed to hit them all at the right time, as I was getting tired and ready for a short cool-down.

I'm definitely going to do it again in the future. There were some good inclines that I would like to master at a decent speed some day. The change of scenery was appreciated, as I was starting to get bored with the usual trail I run on. And I actually love running on cloudy mornings now. It was just cool, gray and peaceful. Yet another reason for me and Doug to move to Portland, OR someday.


Pretty good start to the weekend so far. And my weight was down a bit this morning. Hopefully that trend continues the rest of the week. I'm actually ok with weighing myself daily these days. I was reading some articles that say it's perfectly ok to do, as long as you don't allow it to stress you out and understand how much weight can fluctuate day-to-day. I think it helps to give me a better idea of what works, in terms of food intake and exercise. At the same time though, I still know that what I see each day won't necessarily dictate the results of my Friday weigh-ins. I guess what it boils down to is me just being curious.

We're having the going away party for our friends tonight, hence me burning 700 calories on my run this morning. I'm not against using some allowance points, but a little extra calorie burn doesn't hurt either, right?

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